Kelly Simmons Ministries

Welcome to Kelly Simmons Ministries

Shining the Light of God's Word into Dark Places

Arise, shine; For your light has come! and the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. – Isaiah 60:1

We're Very Excited For Our New Book Release

Books From Kelly

Overcoming Obstacles in Marriage for Breakthrough!

In her new book, The Day of Deliverance, author/speaker Kelly Simmons speaks to the heart of married women experiencing difficulty within their marriage. She presents a fresh approach to addressing marital conflict while sharing from personal experience how to effectively engage the issues from a biblical standpoint and come through on the other side with victory.

Available Now

Every Day With You, LORD


Have you ever desired to have a deeper relationship with God? Every Day with You Lord, Prayer Journal will lead you in a very special journey that will forever settle in your heart God’s faithfulness towards you in a lasting and personal way.

- Strengthen your prayer life.
- Enhance your daily quiet time with the Lord.
- Be reminded of and encouraged by God’s goodness towards you.

At the end of your journaling journey, you will have your very own ready reference of answered prayer and God’s personal words to you, all in one convenient easily accessible place. You will have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and experienced the faithfulness of God revealed!

About us

"Our Goal is to be a Beacon of Hope Into Dark Places"

Kelly Simmons Ministries is a non-profit Christian ministry designed to address the needs of hurting women of all walks of life. Our goal is to be a beacon of hope shining the light of God’s Word into dark places. We’re committed to fulfilling the Great Commission and sharing the light, love, and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

Our mission here at Kelly Simmons Ministries is to effectively communicate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and compassion to women around the globe, to bring about positive change in their lives ministering healing, and hope to those who are hurting.

Kelly's Devotionals

Check Out Our SHINE Devotional

New And Upcoming

Meet Kelly!

Author & Speaker

Kelly has a fun-loving personality and brings heart-felt passion to her work as an author/speaker. She has a heart to see women healed of the emotional wounds of life through the healing power of God’s Word. Her favourite Scripture is Proverbs 4:7, Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. She desires to bring understanding from the Scriptures to apply to the daily concerns of life to women of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds around the world.

Kelly knows and values the need for daily study of the Scriptures and has served in leadership roles for over twenty years. She currently heads the Marriage Ministry of her church in Windsor, Ontario. She’s a powerful speaker, speaking at retreat weekends, workshops, and women’s conferences, and can be found working on her latest book whenever she can get a free moment.

Although outgoing in nature, Kelly likes spending quiet time at home reading, and watching movies with her two fur babies on her lap in her free time.

She and her husband Dale have been married now, for 27 years, and look forward by God’s grace for many more. They have a blended family of three amazing grown children, and two beautiful grandchildren. They live in the quiet Historic community of Amherstburg, Ontario.

Get In Touch With Kelly

Want to Contact Kelly? See Our Contact Information Below